Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Candid Conversation with Author Dr. Riya Sharma about “Parenting a Necessity or Conscious Choice ?”


Dr. Riya Sharma is one of the best professionals to talk to in the Topic “ Parenting a Necessity or Conscious Choice.” She is a Dental Surgeon and a Maternal and Child Care Specialist. Let us start our conversation on this topic.

Q1) You are a Maternal and Child Care Specialist. Tell us about your choice on taking up this career option ?

Ans : motherhood was on my mind ,and i wanted to be fully prepared before the big responsibility , i started looking for theoretical awareness and came across by the diploma being offered by Apollo hospitals and decided to go ahead to enhance my knowledge and skill

Q2) In the 21st century where both of the parents are working do you think the bond between the parents and the child has weakened. What are the possible ways to fix this?

Ans :The kids need more of quality time and not quantity , even if both parents are working , if they wish they can protect their bond by scheduling their way of reconnecting with the child after a long day at work

The bond will only get weakend if you totally dismiss your child and his emotions,  parents can read with their kids , take them out for  play dates , positive affirmations , fill in the kid about your day at work and ask him about his . We have 24 hours in a day and once you are back from that 9-5 job you have ample time to reconnect, A parent just have to prioritize his time

Q3) “Parenting”- What are the initial thoughts that come to your mind, whenever we talk about this topic?

Ans : its work , really one has to be fully aware of the responsibilities associated with it and this is one job we cannot afford to go on the wrong side .

Q4) The adolescents are subject to stress, anxiety and peer pressure nowadays. They have become a centre of expectations which keep hampering their confidence from time to time. Kindly address this issue and tell us about the importance of managing one’s stress.

Ans : 1rst we have to acknowledge the stress exists , second comes the role of parent , we have to trust our children and all the urges to change them should be dismissed .Kids are great all the parents need is to see them the way they are , Once a child  feels secure in his/her own house , it will get easy for him/her to not give  in the peer pressure . All the kid is doing esp the adolescents is watching the parents , you want the kid to be able to manage emotions , we have to lead  them by example by managing our own . every time you feel triggered just breathe in and out

Q5) Though it is a very broad banner to discuss one what would be some of your advice for the parents to have a positive relationship towards their kids ? Also share your email id where they can contact you.

Ans :Having a positive relationship with the kids begin with having positive relation with oneself , knowing what triggers you , knowing about your past traumas, and then working towards self healing , the moment you are one with yourself you will not feel the anger when your kid is being difficult , Also a parent has to learn that kids have different view points and we need to be able to see and acknowledge their thoughts , and then communicating to them about rules and society  in a more loving manner , as you work towards building a strong bond with the child , slowly the positive relation with them gets created without imposing punishments or timeouts


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