Sunday, 14 May 2023

The Rising Competition and decreasing confidence in Authors


There is a rat race in almost every career opportunity in a Developing Country like India. Let us know more about the Rising Competition and decreasing confidence in Authors from our very special guest Author Ravi Valluri


Ravi Valluri is the CEO of Chhattisgarh East Railway Ltd and East West Railway Ltd. He was an officer of the Indian Railway Traffic Service and worked on various zonal railways. He has authored both fiction and non-fiction work and is a faculty of the Art of Living. His recent works include collections of short stories Heartbreak at Coffee Shop – An Array of Tales, A Tale of Parallels, and novels like Art of War to Art of Living and A Story of Faith and Miracles. He can be reached at or WhatsApp at 9618564024.


Q1, you have written several books. Tell us what is your take on increasing market competition of Authors?

Ans: Do we wish to be best-selling authors or best authors or enrich our minds, contribute something significant to literature or just churn out multiple books? Authors need to ponder over this seminal question. And I feel this is not restricted to field of writing it encompasses all creative fields. But in the final analysis, in my mind class prevails.

As the span of attention of the reader and viewer, with multiple alternatives available, is limited, there is bound to be competition. But we should not adopt a militant stand like say Jimmy Connors the iconic tennis player who says, “People don’t seem to understand that it’s a damn war out there. May be my methods aren’t socially acceptable to some, but it’s what I have to do to swim. I would go out there to love my enemy. I go out to there to squash them.”

Let us take the example of Harper Lee who published just two novels – To Kill a Mockingbird in 1960 which was a best seller, and several years later Go Set a Watchman in 2015. Of course, she assisted her close friend Truman Capote in his research for the book In Cold Blood (1966). She is still remembered and read. Her works speak of sheer quality and not quantity.

Talking of competition, authors become wary when they hear that someone else is writing in the same subject area. There is some kind of a knee-jerk reaction in their minds, “What if that writer beats me to publishing? What if his book or article gets published and not mine?” We tend to think there is some sort of cap on attention that can be given to a particular subject. As the span of attention of the reader and viewer with multiple alternatives available is low, there is competition.

On the positive side this competition has provided an opportunity to several writers. There are several avenues like web sites are being created where one can write, audio books, traditional publishing, self-publishing, publishing through Kindle, writing portals, competitions, revival of book fairs, which is a big advantage.

But there are several writers who have brilliant ideas and are looking for a platform to showcase their talent. In this direction, I have launched an online website called (still in infancy) where both prose and poetry can be contributed.

Competition is good also or else would have been driving only Ambassador, Fiat or Standard. One Maruti was a game changer. So, with several authors in the cauldron, we may have priceless literature. But let’s see how things pan out, without any rancour, but hope.

Q2) Do you feel the story or the plot of the book has a major role to play in the success of a book? Which genre do you feel is the most sold genre?

Ans: The Indian book market was estimated in 2020 to be around $10 billion. The market is growing at about 20% per year and it is the second-largest market for English books. In addition, we have sales in various regional languages.

However, the largest sales are of academic books, which are purchased by students, academic institutions and libraries.

The longevity of the success of the book will necessarily depend on the kind of story and the plot. Apart from that promotion and the visibility of the book is of immense importance. This is through interviews, podcasts, promotion, display on social media, placement of books at bookstores in malls, railway stations and airports etc.

But a gripping story will certainly sell. We have purists who like classics and still read them (akin to a good old test match) and then romantic stories, short story collection, drama and thriller do catch attention of the readers.

Books based on mythological tales; Zen Stories cast in modern times are also being appreciated by readers. And finally, autobiographies, biographies and self-help books are bought by the public. 

Though I feel attention span of readers is short, it is craving for more and at times slightly confused about what they ought to read.

Q3) Do you feel educators and parents have a major role to play in building up the confidence of a person?

Ans: Parents are our first teachers and then it is the Guru. So, the value system imparted by our parents shapes our personality and views on life and lifestyle. A teacher and an educational institution hone various skills and provide numerous opportunities for us to develop.

But it is only a Guru or a spiritual Master who develops and harnesses our true potential and talent. A Guru provides an anchorage and is someone we can surrender to and share all our problems and seek solutions. Quite contrary to the fact that today’s generation is wary of a Guru, in my opinion a large number of us reach out to a Guru for his grace. This only provides us real inner confidence and peace.

Q4)What is that one advice that you want to give to the youngsters to boost their confidence?

Ans: Believe in yourself. Develop that faith in your inner strength. For that it is essential to have a Master, a real Guru to guide you to be on the path.

Next as Buddha said, “The biggest blessing is good health.”

So, health, knowledge (not merely information), harnessing your inner talent are essential to the growth of one’s personality. And this can be achieved only through sadhana/practice. And a Master shows the way.

One may say, they are atheists, non-believers, logic oriented and do not believe in say faith, religion or spirituality, but then such people too have to develop that inner faith and belief to become successful in life. They become achievers by great amount of inner strength, reading and practicing and honing their craft.   


Q5) Do you feel paid publishing is leaving a bad effect on middle class people?

Ans: There is nothing known as middle class. Either one has money or it is not affordable. And those who cannot afford it, do feel the heat and tension of not having had a kickstart and feel the burden of competition.

But then do not worry, if one has authentic talent, you will be noticed. There will be a struggle, but then one day through perseverance the individual will be noticed and emerge as a lodestar.

Karna faced all adversities in life, but was an archer who could combat Arjuna. And remember Rome was not built in a day and so called “weak” teams and brown-coloured ones have won the cricket World Cup.  

Money is very important; I fully agree but our deep and regular practice will certainly provide an opportunity. Self-confidence, belief and talent will not be lost in market of competitors is my final take. I will again sum it up despite all competition and adversity, eventually stamp of class prevails and shines.    

Tuesday, 9 May 2023

In Conversation with Jagruti Mistry – Bookers paradise


In Conversation with The Author,  of “ Silenty Noisy….my mind….minds speaking ".

Jagruti is the Co-founder Director of a Medical Tourism organization. She is a very optimistic and positive person. Currently, she is working on her own Healthcare organization called Travel Health Support. She has also recently started podcasting which is now streaming on Spotify. Let us know more about her in this interview.

Q1) Every author has a story from where they began their writing journey. Tell us about the start of your journey.

Ans : Ohh absolutely. Writing for me started more than a decade back, but back then I used to write and scrap my writings. Not because of the lack of confidence but because I didn’t want anyone to comment or have an opinion on the content, it felt very personal somehow. I still don’t know the reason why I was so closed, however, I would like to leave it at that.

Then something happened, somehow on the day of actor Sushant Sing Rajput’s demise, I felt the need of sharing my experiences with the world. Everybody started talking about how COVID has made it difficult for them, and I thought, people were living in their minds more. The same day I started blogging on Silently Noisy was the name that just came to me, I didn’t have to do much brainstorming, it kind of just fitted in. This is when I gave writing an official name and then, the feedbacks started flowing in. A lot of people started acknowledging me for bringing up certain topics because it gave them a perspective. That inspired me to continue writing.  

Q2) “Silently Noisy-----my mind….minds speaking “is written by you. How did you decide the plot of the book and what was your inspiration behind? Also, attach the link for the purchase of the book

Ans : Well as I mentioned, SSR and COVID inspired. And frankly, there was no specific plot. I just wrote my mind. Basis our routine instances I picked up topics and everything just felt in the right flow. All of us have a lot of questions and many times these questions are never discussed, this book will talk to you and probably answer the unanswered questions. You have to read it to believe it J

The interesting part is the flip-a-page concept, if you are subconsciously thinking about something and need an answer, just take the book and randomly flip the pages; once you arrive on a page read the first line which grabs your attention; you may just get your answer.

Link to my book

Q3) A lot of young authors want to have a career in writing but feel under-confident at times. What would be your advice to them?

Ans : If you love writing and sharing your thoughts, just go ahead. I feel there is no right and wrong, it’s just how our perspectives are built. As they say, “Sharing is caring”.  I recently shared a quote on instagram, (it’s an original one) here goes. “If there is no affection, there will be no intention”.

So if you have an affection towards whatever you do, you will definitely have an intention. Just flow.

Q4) From writing the initial draft to working on the final draft it surely requires a lot of effort. What was the most challenging process in your writing career?

Ans : I probably was blessed to have no challenges here, at least I thought I didn’t have anything stopping me. I built a consistency of blogging for over 2 years. Though I have a full-fledged career in healthcare I chose to write. There were a few people in my network and some international authors who told me to convert these blogs into a book. After one-two months of thinking and implementing, in the next 6 months I had my book, I was so excited.

Let me tell you something here, the entire blogging was done post-work hours, between 12 am to 4 am. I never really felt tired or bugged or inconsistent. I really loved to do what I did, maybe the purpose was very clear and that gave me happy vibes.  

Q5) Is there any message you want to give to the readers?

Ans: I would love them to share their experience of reading my book.

After reading my book I think, a lot of you will have a smile, a lot of you will resonate with the content and a lot of you will also get some of your answers. I have written this book with the genuine intent of sharing my thoughts without any filter. I have kind of talked to myself while writing this one. You will surely enjoy the content. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read my book J


Q6) Tell us something about your hobbies and why do you think hobbies are important for a person ?

Ans : I love to sketch, sing, also thinking ;) yes, I love thinking. I spend an hour in a day only thinking, and that’s the best thing I like about my day.

Hobbies are like meditation, we are totally immersed while we are at it and that’s the beauty of having hobbies. Everyone has a creative side I think. If you find a person with multiple creative traits, that person has really worked on finding them I believe. So find one and see your life change. 


Friday, 5 May 2023

Lets meet the Author who weaves magic with her words

 Nowadays the youth has started reading books to a great extent. But few books do leave a long lasting impact on the heart. Let us meet our very talented author Promila Devi Sutharsan Huidrom who has written the beautiful book “Mera to yeh mai bhi nahi.”

 Q1) If you have to describe yourself in three lines ,what would it be ?

Ans : I love creativity and beautiful Words.

I believe in patience, and hard work.

I love life as life is beautiful in every form.

Q2) While writing a book , there are several thoughts that a author faces, on would everybody like reading the book, or even nervousness. What was your experience while writing your first book.

Ans : When i write i dont think, i dont have to think, i just jot down what i am feeling. I love to write every mood into words and i love doing that as words does wonders.

Q3) Tell us about the book “Mera to ye mai bhi nahi “.

Ans : «Mera to yeh mai bhi nahi» is my poetic autobiography. It’s just few phases of my life into words, basically we all come across it in life once. It’s is a work in progress, the words of its continuation is still going on, and it will continue, possibly in future we will see more versions of it.

Q4) You are also publishing your second title. Tell our readers more about the Title .

Ans : My second book “Aayushya” is soon going to be published. It’s on “Veer Ras”, more about motivating the youth and salute to the bravehearts.

Q5) As a writer what advice would you give to someone who wants to be consistent about writing ? Also do you think writing is a good Career option ?

Ans : We all have art in us, we must pursue that as art gives us peace of mind and soul. We all should have atleast one hobby which we should pursue on every possibility.

In Conversation with Author Lamiya Siraj

Lamiya Siraj is a beautiful author, blogger, award-winning writer, motivational speaker and certified life coach. She has a passion for capt...